Optimality of Grover's Algorithm


Let's start with the SAT problem: suppose we are given a boolean SAT formula with \(n\) variables and \(poly(n)\) clauses, and we want to know whether there exists a satisfiying assignment. This problem is known to be NP-complete, thus is generally believed to be hard to solve on a classical computer. The exponential time hypothesis states that satisfiability of SAT cannot be solved in \(2^{o(n)}\) time. However, with Grover's algorithm on a quantum computer, one can determine the existence of satisfying assignment, or even find one, within time \(O\left(2^{\frac n2}\right)\)! In fact, for any search problem with \(N\) candidates and \(M\) solutions, Grover's algorithm can find one solution with \(O\left(\sqrt{\frac NM}\right)\) operations, while a classical algorithm usually takes \(O(\frac NM)\) operations.

This implies that quantum computers are inherently much more powerful that classical computers, right? Well, yes but no. On one hand, Grover's algorithm does offer a sqaure root speed up over classical algorithms. On the other hand, however, one can prove that for a general unstructured search problem with \(N\) candidates and \(M\) solutions, no quantum algorithms take less than \(\Theta\left(\sqrt{\frac NM}\right)\) operations to find a solution! This can be huge disappointment for quantum enthusiasts, who might believe that quantum computers might offer a super-polynomial or even exponential speed up over classical computers for general unstructured problems. We will dive into this topic in the following paragraphs.

Basic facts

Definition of general search problems

Let \(S=\{0,1\}^n\) be the search space, and \(R\subset S\) be the solutions, we define \(N=|S|,M=|R|\). Let \(f_R:S\to\{0,1\}\) be a function that checks whether a given solution is valid, i.e. \(f_R(x)=1\iff x\in R\). To find a solution, we are allowed to query \(f_R\) as an oracle in our algorithm design. (For a quantum algorithm, we are given an "oracle operation" \(O_R\) such that \(O_R\ket x\ket b=\ket x\ket{b\oplus f_R(x)}\)) The efficiency is measured by the number of oracle queries.

Hardness of general search problems

With no other assumptions about the structure of the problem, the best a classical algorithm can do is to guess a solution randomly. Obviously it takes \(\Theta\left(\frac NM\right)\) oracle queries on average to find a solution. However, for a quantum computer, it only takes \(\Theta\left(\sqrt{\frac NM}\right)\) oracle queries to do so, using Grover's algorithm. The procedure of the algorithm is left out in this post, and you are encouraged to check it out yourself.

Optimality of Grover's algorithm

First, we introduce a lemma to bound the sum of vector norms:

Lemma 1

Let \(\{\alpha_i\}\) and \(\{\beta_i\}\) be some finite sequence of vectors in a inner product space. Then we have \[\begin{align} \sum_i\|\alpha_i+\beta_i\|^2&\le\left(\sqrt{\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|^2}+\sqrt{\sum_i\|\beta_i\|^2}\right)^2\\ \sum_i\|\alpha_i+\beta_i\|^2&\ge\left(\sqrt{\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|^2}-\sqrt{\sum_i\|\beta_i\|^2}\right)^2 \end{align}\]

Proof of Lemma 1

By the triangle inequality, we have

\[\begin{align} \sum_i\|\alpha_i+\beta_i\|^2 &\le\sum_i(\|\alpha_i\|+\|\beta_i\|)^2\\ &=\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|^2+\sum_i\|\beta_i\|^2+2\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|\|\beta_i\| \end{align}\]

Then we apply Cauchy-Schwarz inequality on the third term:

\[\begin{align} \sum_i\|\alpha_i+\beta_i\|^2 &\le\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|^2+\sum_i\|\beta_i\|^2+2\sqrt{\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|^2}\sqrt{\sum_i\|\beta_i\|^2}\\ &=\left(\sqrt{\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|^2}+\sqrt{\sum_i\|\beta_i\|^2}\right)^2 \end{align}\]

The other side is similar:

\[\begin{align} \sum_i\|\alpha_i+\beta_i\|^2 &\ge\sum_i(\|\alpha_i\|-\|\beta_i\|)^2\\ &=\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|^2+\sum_i\|\beta_i\|^2-2\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|\|\beta_i\|\\ &\ge\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|^2+\sum_i\|\beta_i\|^2-2\sqrt{\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|^2}\sqrt{\sum_i\|\beta_i\|^2}\\ &=\left(\sqrt{\sum_i\|\alpha_i\|^2}-\sqrt{\sum_i\|\beta_i\|^2}\right)^2 \end{align}\]

Now we are going to prove the main result:

Theorem 1

All quantum algorithms that find a solution with \(O(1)\) probability requires \(\Omega\left(\sqrt{\frac NM}\right)\) oracle queries.

Proof of Theorem 1

Without loss of generality, we may assume that the quantum algorithm uses \(m\) qubits for some \(m>n\). It applies \(W\) unitary operations, interleaved with \(W\) oracle operations. More specifically, let \(\ket\psi\) be the initial state of the register, we compute \(\ket{\psi_W^R}:=U_WO_RU_{W-1}O_R\cdots U_1O_R\ket\psi\), and then measure the first \(n\) qubits of \(\ket{\psi_W^R}\) as an answer. We may assume that the oracle queries are done on the first \(n\) qubits, and the result is XORed with the \((n+1)\)'th qubit. (Otherwise we can "swap" the queried qubits with the first \((n+1)\) qubits, and then swap them back after the query, as there is no limit on the unitary operations we apply.)

We define \[\begin{align} \ket{\psi_k^R}&:=U_kO_RU_{k-1}O_R\cdots U_1O_R\ket\psi\\ \ket{\psi_k}&:=U_kU_{k-1}\cdots U_1\ket\psi\\ D_k&:=\sum_{R\subset S}\left\|\psi_k^R-\psi_k\right\|^2 \end{align}\]

Upperbound of \(D_W\)

For the first half of the proof, we upperbound \(D_k\) by \(4k^2\binom{N-1}{M-1}\) using induction:

\[\begin{align} D_{k+1} &=\sum_{R\subset S}\left\|U_{k+1}O_R\psi_k^R-U_{k+1}\psi_k\right\|^2\\ &=\sum_{R\subset S}\left\|O_R\psi_k^R-\psi_k\right\|^2\\ &=\sum_{R\subset S}\left\|O_R(\psi_k^R-\psi_k)+(O_R-I)\psi_k\right\|^2\\ \end{align}\]

Notice that \(O_R\) and \(I\) can be written as \[\begin{align} O_R&=\sum_{x\notin R}\ket x\bra x\otimes I\otimes I+\sum_{x\in R}\ket x\bra x\otimes X\otimes I\\ I&=\sum_{x\notin R}\ket x\bra x\otimes I\otimes I+\sum_{x\in R}\ket x\bra x\otimes I\otimes I \end{align}\]

Therefore we have \[\begin{align} D_{k+1} &=\sum_{R\subset S}\left\|O_R(\psi_k^R-\psi_k)+\left(\sum_{x\in R}\ket x\bra x\otimes(X-I)\otimes I\right)\psi_k\right\|^2 \end{align}\]

To apply Lemma 1, we upper bound the first term:

\[\begin{align} \sum_{R\subset S}\left\|O_R(\psi_k^R-\psi_k)\right\|^2 &=\sum_{R\subset S}\left\|(\psi_k^R-\psi_k)\right\|^2\\ &=D_k\\ \end{align}\]

and the second term:

\[\begin{align} &\sum_{R\subset S}\left\|\left(\sum_{x\in R}\ket x\bra x\otimes(X-I)\otimes I\right)\psi_k\right\|^2\\ &=\sum_{R\subset S}\sum_{x\in R}\braket{\psi_k|(\ket x\bra x\otimes(2I-2X)\otimes I)|\psi_k}\\ &=2\binom{N-1}{M-1}\sum_{x\in S}\braket{\psi_k|(\ket x\bra x\otimes(I-X))|\psi_k}\\ &=2\binom{N-1}{M-1}(\braket{\psi_k|\psi_k}-\braket{\psi_k|I\otimes X\otimes I|\psi_k})\\ &\le4\binom{N-1}{M-1} \end{align}\]

By induction, \(D_k\le4k^2\binom{N-1}{M-1}\), and with Lemma 1 we conclude that \[\begin{align} D_{k+1} &\le\left(2k\sqrt{\binom{N-1}{M-1}}+2\sqrt{\binom{N-1}{M-1}}\right)^2\\ &=4(k+1)^2\binom{N-1}{M-1} \end{align}\]

Lowerbound of \(D_W\)

For the second half of the proof, we lowerbound \(D_k\) by \(\Omega(1)\binom NM\). First, we define the projection matrix onto the subspace spanned by the solutions \(R\):

\[\begin{align} P_R:=\sum_{x\in R}\ket x\bra x\otimes I \end{align}\]

Then again, we split \(D_W\) into two parts, and try to apply Lemma 1:

\[\begin{align} D_W &=\sum_{R\subset S}\left\|(I-P_R)\psi_W^R+(P_R\psi_W^R-\psi_W)\right\|^2\\ \end{align}\]

For the first term, we have \(\braket{\psi_W^R|(I-P_R)|\psi_W^R}\le\frac12\), as we may assume that the probability of success is no less than \(\frac12\) for this quantum algorithm. Thus we write down

\[\begin{align} \sum_{R\subset S}\left\|(I-P_R)\psi_W^R\right\|^2\le\frac12\binom NM \end{align}\]

For the second term, we have

\[\begin{align} \left\|P_R\psi_W^R-\psi_W\right\|^2 &=1+\braket{\psi_W^R|P_R|\psi_W^R}-2\Re\braket{\psi_W|P_R|\psi_W^R}\\ &\ge\frac32-2\|P_R\psi_W\|^2\\ &=\frac32-2\braket{\psi_W|P_R|\psi_W}\\ \end{align}\]

Summing over \(R\),

\[\begin{align} \sum_{R\subset S}\left\|P_R\psi_W^R-\psi_W\right\|^2 &\ge\frac32\binom NM-2\sum_{R\subset S}\sum_{x\in R}\braket{\psi_W|(\ket x\bra x\otimes I)|\psi_W}\\ &=\frac32\binom NM-2\binom{N-1}{M-1}\sum_{x\in S}\braket{\psi_W|(\ket x\bra x\otimes I)|\psi_W}\\ &=\frac32\binom NM-2\binom{N-1}{M-1}\\ &=\left(\frac32-2\frac MN\right)\binom NM \end{align}\]

We may assume that \(\frac MN\le\frac14\). (In fact, for \(\frac MN>\frac 14\), the problem is trivial as one only needs less than 4 trials on average using a naive algorithm.) We then apply Lemma 1:

\[\begin{align} D_W &\ge\left(\sqrt{\frac32-2\frac MN}-\sqrt{\frac12}\right)^2\binom NM\\ &\ge\left(\frac32-\sqrt2\right)\binom NM \end{align}\]

Combining the lowerbound and upperbound of \(D_W\), we have

\[\begin{align} &\left(\frac32-\sqrt2\right)\binom NM\le D_W\le4W^2\binom{N-1}{M-1}\\ &\implies W\ge\frac{2-\sqrt2}4\sqrt{\frac NM}\\ &\implies W\ge\Omega\left(\sqrt{\frac NM}\right) \end{align}\]

Which completes our proof.


Although the proof is elegant, the result is rather disappointing, as some of us might expect more computational power out of a quantum computer. As we have learnt, assuming no structure for the solutions, a quantum computer can offer at most a polynomial speed up. (However, for problem with nice structures, we might be able to achieve exponential speedup, a example would be integer factoring, which can be solved effectively with quantum fourier transform, while no known classical algorithm can do factorization effectively.) This doesn't imply \(\textbf{BQP}\subset \textbf{NP}\) however, as there might be some yet unknown structures for the solution space of \(\textbf{NP}\)-complete problems which we can exploit.

I read the original proof on Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, page 269-271. However, the proof only considered the situation where \(M=1\), so I spent like a whole afternoon generalizing it to arbitrary \(M\). That's when I came up with the idea of projection matrix in the second part of the proof. However, while I was writing this post, I realized that the original proof only allowed queries of "phase oracle", rather than the stantard oracle case, yet I don't know how to transform a phase oracle to a standard oracle. (If you know how to do the reduction, please contact me, and I'd like to learn about it!) So I spent another afternoon modifying the proof so that it applys to standard oracle, though making the proof more tedious.